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7 Most Motivational Quotes

7 Most Motivational Quotes

01Our Deepest Fear”Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous?... read more
You Can Avoid Kidney Stones

You Can Avoid Kidney Stones

In an episode of “Seinfield”, Kramer develops a kidney stone. “What is that, anyway?” asks Jerry. “It’s a stony mineral concretion,” replies Kramer quite accurately, “formed abnormally in the kidney. And this jagged... read more
Your Digestion

Your Digestion

The most important factor in digestion is proper food selection, avoiding non-nutritive junk foods, and choosing foods that provide the building blocks your body needs. (Organic raw foods are ideal, of course.) It’s obvious your body won’t digest food... read more
Juicing for Health

Juicing for Health

It’s easy to increase your raw food intake by juicing vegetables and grasses. Your body can absorb juice in less than a half-hour. Juicing vegetables provides abundant nutrition. including enzymes, minerals, vitamins, chlorophyll and cancer fighting... read more
Wheatgrass Juice Put to the Test

Wheatgrass Juice Put to the Test

In an editorial that accompanied a landmark study showing an extract of the spice turmeric could be used to fight ulcerative colitis, the authors congratulated the researchers on performing the largest study ever on complementary or alternative medicine approaches to... read more