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Diet Cures Crohn’s Disease

Diet Cures Crohn’s Disease

Dr. David Suskind of Seattle Children’s Hospital is pinpointing how an innovative diet puts patients with Crohn’s disease into remission – without medications or their side effects. One of Kevin Keating’s biggest worries came to life when his son, Jacob, was... read more
Sugar is Ruining Your Health: 146 Reasons

Sugar is Ruining Your Health: 146 Reasons

1. Sugar can suppress the immune system. 2. Sugar upsets mineral relationships in the body. 3. Sugar can cause hyperactivity, anxiety, difficulty concentrating, and crankiness in children. 4. Sugar can produce a significant rise in triglycerides. 5. Sugar hastens... read more
Leaky Gut Syndrome Causes Depression?

Leaky Gut Syndrome Causes Depression?

There are many causes of depression. Hormone deficiencies, neurotransmitter imbalances, sugar addiction, and nutritional imbalances are the most common. But there’s another cause of depression that most aren’t aware of — even though the evidence goes... read more
When You Die, What Will You Regret?

When You Die, What Will You Regret?

We recommend a book: The Top Five Regrets of The Dying by Bronnie Ware — a Sydney nurse who has cared for patients in the last weeks of their lives for many years. Regret #1. I wish I’d had the courage to live a life true to myself, not the life others... read more
Nuts for Your Health

Nuts for Your Health

People often assume that in order to lead healthier lifestyles, they need to quit snacking. But according to a new study, snacking could actually reduce your risk of a number of diseases and of premature death. You just have to snack on the right thing. In fact,... read more
Subway Australia Product Ingredients

Subway Australia Product Ingredients

You can get a custom-made low-priced vegan sandwich at Subway, with an abundance of fresh raw vegetables to choose from. But their breads don’t meet our quality standards. You’ll see why in the attachment below: Subway Australia Product... read more