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Are You Deficient in Magnesium?

Are You Deficient in Magnesium?

Central nervous system magnesium deficiency symptoms often seem “neurotic”: anxiety, excessive emotionality, fatigue, head­aches, insomnia, light-headedness, dizziness, nervous fits, the sensation of a lump in the throat, and impaired breathing.... read more
Colonoscopy Leads to Appendicitis

Colonoscopy Leads to Appendicitis

Are you looking forward to getting your next colonoscopy? Isn’t it amazing how quickly those five to ten years between procedures can pass? If you’re like most, you’re trying to stretch the time between screenings a bit longer. And you’ll... read more
Energy Drinks Can Land You in Hospital

Energy Drinks Can Land You in Hospital

While some things do improve with age, it’s sad but true that health isn’t typically one of them. So when a substance is found to have negative health effects for teens and young adults, those findings should give all of us pause. Those of us for whom the... read more
Don’t Permanently Damage Your Immune System!

Don’t Permanently Damage Your Immune System!

If you’ve ever been severely startled, you likely remained jumpy for some time after the fright. It turns out, your immune system is the same way. And, unfortunately, if you “scare” it too badly, it may never fully recover to a calm state. Some of... read more
Calorie Restriction Slows Ageing

Calorie Restriction Slows Ageing

A study of people who reduced the calories they consumed has found the strongest evidence yet that such restrictions can slow down human metabolism. The results raise hopes that a low-calorie lifestyle — or treatments that mimic the biological effects of restricted... read more
Will You Live to 100? We Plan To…

Will You Live to 100? We Plan To…

Living to 100 involves an enormous amount of luck. The born-with-the-right-genes luck, as well as the not-getting-hit-by-a-bus luck. But, obviously, longevity is much more than happenstance and distracted drivers. Environmental factors and the choices we make play a... read more