Real “Comfort Foods” Relieve Stress
A stressful day can send many people reaching for a scoop of ice cream or a bar of chocolate. These so-called comfort foods may sweeten our mood for the moment, but in the long term they can cause major damage and make us even more prone to stress. We reach for... read more
Wheatgrass Superfood
Wheatgrass is composed of the young shoots of wheat before stalks form a head with grain. It contains no wheat gluten. Wheatgrass is, by composition, a superfood. This is due to wheatgrass’s heavy concentration of chlorophyll, vitamins, minerals, and enzymes. It... read more
Wheatgrass (baby wheat) is a rich source of amino acids, vitamins and minerals. It can increase the blood hemoglobin content and augment the immune system. Specific uses include: Anemia – The chlorophyll content present in wheat grass resembles (in structure as... read more
Do You Have These Symptoms? You May Simply Need Magnesium.
01 Acid reflux. Spasm of the lower esophageal sphincter at the juncture of the stomach can leave the sphincter open causing acid reflux, GERD or heartburn. Magnesium relieves esophageal spasms. 02 Adrenal fatigue. Adrenal fatigue follows after a time of chronic... read more