Getting a Promotion
Ask the person who can give you a promotion exactly what you must do to get the promotion. The person with this power is looking for ways to advance his career. Make yourself his #1 means of advancing his career. Go to the person privately. Tell him straight that you... read more
Multi-Level Marketing’s Ten Big Lies
The multi-level marketing (MLM) field grows and its member companies multiply. Solicitations to join the movement seem to be everywhere. The impression accordingly grows that it is indeed the “wave of the future”, a business model that is gaining momentum,... read more
Eight Tuition-Free USA Universities
College of the Ozarks Several schools share the “Linebacker U” and “Quarterback U” monikers in reference to the NFL talent that their college football programs produce, but the only “Hard Work U” is located in Point Lookout, Missouri. In 1973, a Wall Street Journal... read more
Jim Rogers: Keys to Success
01 Do not let others do your thinking for you 02 Focus on what you like 03 Common sense? It’s not so common 04 Attention to details is what separates success from failure 05 Let the world be a part of your perspective 06 Learn philosophy and learn to think 07... read more