Discover the surprising truth about stomach acid and its vital role in your health!
Jul 31, 2012 | Health
Many don’t consider the calories that are added to foods through cooking. Frying or barbecuing with trans-fats can add 25 percent more calories on top of the ingredients alone. Recently scientists at the University of Florida studied lab rats over a span of... read moreJul 21, 2012 | Health
Dr. Sarah Brennan of Queen’s University Belfast found a direct relationship between those at risk of breast cancer and unhealthful diet. (A woman was deemed at risk if her mother or grandmother was diagnosed with the disease.) Those women who adopted diets rich... read moreJul 27, 2011 | Health
Raw food diets are becoming increasing popular, and with good reason. Foods in their raw state are truly as nature designed, and they are the most biocompatible with our bodies. In fact, it’s interesting to know that a boiled potato has 420 more molecular... read more