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Mercury Fillings Caused My Sugar Craving?

Mercury Fillings Caused My Sugar Craving?

I lost my sugar craving overnight! It’s no secret that I loved sweet foods. You could almost call it an addiction. I would almost always have a vegan dessert when eating out, and at home I would often have a box of Chocolunce vegan biscuits or some Sweet William... read more
Toxic Mercury Fillings

Toxic Mercury Fillings

Have you ever had a dental filling? Most of us have. In fact, the average American has had three. Unfortunately, most of those Americans assume that because a doctor was putting it in your mouth, it was safe. But, as you may already know, that’s not the case.... read more
Mercury Fillings: Toxic Material That Should Be Banned

Mercury Fillings: Toxic Material That Should Be Banned

I honestly can’t believe I am still writing about this topic. Why anyone could think that mercury, one of the most toxic substances known to mankind, is safe to use as a dental filling is beyond ridiculous. A study from the University of Georgia reported that surface... read more