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Magnesium and the Heart

Magnesium and the Heart

Magnesium is an essential mineral that is required to sustain healthy blood vessels, generate cellular energy, and maintain healthy nerve and muscle function. Magnesium is known to help maintain healthy heart rhythm and blood pressure. The results of research... read more
Magnesium and Heart Attack

Magnesium and Heart Attack

It’s estimated that more than 90% of adults are deficient in magnesium — at risk of sudden death from a heart attack and of developing diabetes. Hundreds of biochemical functions that drive energy metabolism and DNA repair are fuelled by magnesium. We... read more
Magnesium Overcomes Anxiety and Heart Palpitations

Magnesium Overcomes Anxiety and Heart Palpitations

Thank you for speaking out about this little-known miracle. After the birth of my son, I suffered from anxiety that was nearly debilitating… specifically, I started having panic attacks while driving on the highway. With positive mental reinforcement I got over... read more
Heart Disease

Heart Disease

Researchers at the Medical College of Wisconsin in Milwaukee have found that people with coronary disease who began practicing meditation were 48 percent less likely to have a heart attack, stroke or die from all causes, compared to a group of study participants who... read more
Cannabis-Based Nanoparticles and Heart Disease

Cannabis-Based Nanoparticles and Heart Disease

Researchers at the Mount Sinai School of Medicine hope to one day treat heart disease with tiny capsules of marijuana chemicals. The work is being led by Dutch chemist and nanoparticle expert Willem Mulder, PhD, who has served as director of the Nanomedicine... read more
Heart Disease

Heart Disease

Hardly a week goes by that I don’t read in a newspaper, magazine, or book or hear on the television or radio that coconut oil promotes heart disease. So many people have the opinion that coconut oil causes heart disease that you would assume that there are numerous... read more