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Why Kill Your Stomach Acid?

Why Kill Your Stomach Acid?

When I went to medical school there was a different attitude toward drugs than there is today. We were taught to give drugs only when necessary and only as long as necessary. In the past few years, drugs for long-term use and even for preventive use have become the... read more
Stomach Acid and You

Stomach Acid and You

Most people assume that too much stomach acid is the cause of acid indigestion, so take acid suppressors. Surprisingly, though, the primary cause of indigestion in most people is insufficient stomach acid. Stomach acid is good and necessary for health. Stomach acid is... read more
Alkali-Forming Foods and Your Digestion

Alkali-Forming Foods and Your Digestion

Acid reflux occurs when food and stomach acids regurgitate back into the esophagus, causing burning pain in the lower chest. Other symptoms include bloating, belching, sore throat, snoring, difficult breathing and ulcers. The early stages of digestion occur with the... read more
Hydrochloric Acid and Reflux Drugs

Hydrochloric Acid and Reflux Drugs

Acid reflux, and the heartburn that results, occurs when acid from the stomach backs up into the esophagus. An estimated 1/3 of “standard diet” eaters experience heartburn on a regular basis. Treatment with both over-the-counter (OTC) and prescription... read more
Hydrochloric Acid and Me

Hydrochloric Acid and Me

A Hippocrates Digestive Compound user recently wrote, I have been taking Hippocrates Digestive Compound (Hydrochloric Acid) with meals for the last six months. Before taking it, during the day and especially after meals I could feel tartar film on my teeth. I could... read more
Betaine Hydrochloride Helps Digestion

Betaine Hydrochloride Helps Digestion

Betaine Hydrochloride is an organic compound and vitamin-like substance found in many different foods such as sugar beets, grains and spinach. It is recommended by both naturopaths, as well as medical doctors, as a supplemental source of hydrochloric acid in the... read more