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How to Create An Autistic Child

How to Create An Autistic Child

(By a mother who created an autistic child) 01 Do NOT pay attention to your maternal diet. It does not matter if you eat McDonalds’s, KFC, or worse daily. What the heck? Eat processed food in abundance. 02 Put your new baby in day care immediately. I was so... read more
New Legal Cannabis Pharmacopoeia

New Legal Cannabis Pharmacopoeia

A leading publisher on herbal medicines has finalized a monograph on cannabis that provides scientific standards for patients, growers, practitioners, regulators and researchers. The California-based American Herbal Pharmacopoeia (AHP) released the first installment... read more
Cannabis is Now 6 Billion Times Stronger  (Satire)

Cannabis is Now 6 Billion Times Stronger (Satire)

CHRISTCHURCH, NZ – An analysis made of the public speeches given by NZ police officers over the past fifty years has concluded that the THC content of cannabis is now close to six billion times higher than it was in 1963. The study, led by University of... read more
Colorado Cannabis Tax Windfall

Colorado Cannabis Tax Windfall

Colorado began allowing the sale of recreational marijuana on January 1 to anyone age 21 or older. Residents can now buy marijuana like alcohol — except the cannabis purchase is limited to an ounce, which is substantial enough to cost about $200 or more.... read more
Colorado Marijuana Tax Bonanza

Colorado Marijuana Tax Bonanza

Denver, CO: Dozens of state and locally licensed cannabis retailers opened for business on Wednesday, engaging in thousands of retail transactions with customers age 21 and older. The sales are in compliance with newly enacted state regulations allowing for the... read more
Harvard Study: Marijuana Does NOT Cause Schizophrenia

Harvard Study: Marijuana Does NOT Cause Schizophrenia

A new study from Harvard University may help dismiss concerns about the link between marijuana use and schizophrenia. While many still debate the potential for marijuana to cause schizophrenia, researchers at Harvard Medical School say there has “yet to be conclusive... read more