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Sauerkraut for Your Health

Sauerkraut for Your Health

Raw, fermented foods are brimming with health-promoting probiotics, and have been staples of the human diet for thousands of years. One such ancient food is sauerkraut, produced simply by breaking and covering cabbage leaves, and letting this sit for several days or... read more
Magnesium and Anxiety

Magnesium and Anxiety

Anxiety can affect our lives dramatically. Many people are now highly stressed, and feelings of anxiety have become an everyday occurrence in many lives. Anxiety disorders are also becoming ever more prevalent. Magnesium, a vital mineral nutrient, is one of the most... read more
Caffeine and Pregnancy

Caffeine and Pregnancy

According to a study that’s just been released, pregnant women who consume over 200 mg of caffeine per day have TWICE the risk of miscarriage than women who consume no caffeine at all. Two hundred milligrams of caffeine is roughly the amount that’s found... read more
Bromelain for Your Health

Bromelain for Your Health

Bromelain is an enzyme with many uses and health benefits. Enzymes are considered even more important functionally than vitamins and minerals. Without enzymes, food cannot be broken down into its constituent nutrients, and enzymes are needed for most cellular... read more
Coconut Oil for My Burning Backside

Coconut Oil for My Burning Backside

This is an embarrassing story to tell, so I’m signing my first name only. My wife encouraged me to pass it on, though, in the hope that it might help others. For years I’ve been plagued by occasional anal/rectal burning sensations when I’ve eaten... read more
How to Manage Your Online Reputation

How to Manage Your Online Reputation

The web 2.0 era demands that you keep track of what’s being said about you online. It’s a part of what one might call “being informed”. What’s more important is what you say and do on the web and how you manage your online reputation.... read more
Magnesium in the Military

Magnesium in the Military

A veterinarian friend shared the following: “I was talking with a family friend who has been an Air Force nurse for about twenty years with tours in Asia and the Middle East. She told me about the many cases of kidney stones she was seeing in soldiers returning... read more
Aerotoxic Syndrome

Aerotoxic Syndrome

Have you ever flown on an airplane and later become mysteriously ill? Perhaps you developed a headache, had trouble breathing or experienced severe brain fog. These symptoms (and many others) might be the result of breathing toxic fumes that regularly circulate... read more
Toxic Fried Foods

Toxic Fried Foods

Fried foods clog arteries and lead to strokes and Alzeimer’s. Clogged veins and arteries cause heart attacks and aneurysms. Canola oil is a major GMO product (genetically modified to contain pesticides), and is used by almost all restaurants and in manufactured... read more