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Calcium Supplements Cause Disease

Calcium Supplements Cause Disease

A Swedish study recently found that older women with a history of stroke or white matter lesions (WMLs) in the brain, who take calcium supplements, have an increased risk for dementia. We don’t know whether the researchers factored in the amount of calcium in... read more
Avoid Alzheimer’s

Avoid Alzheimer’s

Do you want a stronger brain? Then start lifting weights. Researchers from the University of New South Wales and the University of Adelaide conducted the study. They looked at 100 men and women with mild cognitive impairment. All of them were 55-68 years old. Mild... read more
Why Rub Magnesium Chloride into Your Skin?

Why Rub Magnesium Chloride into Your Skin?

Just a few of the positive results that have been reported from the utilization of transdermal magnesium chloride: Addresses hypertension. When rubbed into arthritic joints, can relieve pain quickly. Helps prevent strokes, and aids in recovery. Addresses insomnia.... read more
Acid Blockers Block Your Health

Acid Blockers Block Your Health

Proton pump inhibitors (PPIs) kill stomach acid by inhibiting the proton pump in the parietal cells of the stomach. Proton pump inhibitors IRREVERSIBLY block the hydrogen/potassium ATPase enzyme system, AKA the gastric proton pump. However, these drugs also knock out... read more
Head Injuries, Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s

Head Injuries, Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s

We’ve known for a long time that a traumatic brain injury can have a lasting effect on the health of your brain. But researchers have never figured out why the effects of such injuries were so long-lasting, far-reaching, and implicated in a variety of diseases.... read more
Magnesium for Your Health

Magnesium for Your Health

01 Regulates Ion Channels: Magnesium is a direct regulator of ion channels, most notably via the other key electrolytes potassium, calcium and sodium. Magnesium is intimately involved in potassium transport. Magnesium depletion and potassium depletion cause similar... read more
More Magnesium Functions

More Magnesium Functions

01 Membrane Stabilizer: Stabilization decreases excitation of nerves and contraction of muscle cell membranes. This action is what keeps muscles from twitching and nerves from zapping. Specifically, it inhibits or abolishes “action potentials” from moving across a... read more
Avoid These Tests for Liver Disease

Avoid These Tests for Liver Disease

When a person has elevated liver enzymes, both patient and doctor want to find out what’s causing them. And thanks to modern technology, it’s easier than ever to run a battery of blood tests at once. All the doctor has to do is check a box ordering a panel... read more
Placebo Surgery?

Placebo Surgery?

The guy’s desperate. The pain in his knee has made it impossible to play basketball or walk down stairs. In search of a cure, he makes a journey to a healing place, where he’ll undergo a fasting rite, don ceremonial garb, ingest mind-altering substances and be... read more
What is Your Biological Age? Your Arteries Know.

What is Your Biological Age? Your Arteries Know.

Everyone knows that, as we age, the connective tissue in the skin loosens, and we get wrinkles. But that’s not the only tissue that ages. It’s just the one we see. A more important part of the aging process is what happens to our arteries. And you... read more