We have seen the cancelling of inconvenient speech a lot in medicine these past 3 years. All efforts at implementation of early multi-agent treatment of COVID -19 were shouted down. Even when such interventions as increasing intake of Vitamin D were shown to possibly be potentially lifesaving, the medical establishment, Big Pharma, Big Tech and Big Media drowned out all efforts to give patients the choice. The careers of those brave physicians who stood up for their patients were systematically destroyed. It is small consolation that now, most, if not all, of their statements have been proven to be true. The virus seems certain to have originated in the lab. Masks do not work. Lockdowns did far more harm than good. The so-called vaccines do not prevent transmission nor confer long-lasting immunity, at least in the way we understood it for decades, if not centuries, before the Great Covid Disaster.
If simple, inexpensive therapies were allowed for COVID treatment, the trillions of dollars in payment for Emergency Use Authorized “vaccines” would not have been possible.
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