Are you comfortable with this?
A Covid vaccine booster trial continues to recruit adolescents despite Australia’s vaccine advisory body, ATAGI, acknowledging the comparatively high risks associated with boosters compared to comparatively low risks associated with Covid infection for healthy young people.
The PICOBOO study was launched at the Telethon Kids Institute last year to, “investigate whether immunity can be maximised by “mixing” vaccine booster types and how long this protection lasts, as well as evaluate how strategies may need to differ depending on age and previously administered Covid-19 vaccines.”
In March this year, a Perth parent received an invitation to enrol her adolescent child into the PICOBOO study from her child’s school. The children are going on an overseas trip and the school suggested that getting the kids boosted in the trial might be a neat workaround to having to do a PCR and risk testing positive and missing the tour.
The parent was shocked, because she was aware that the month prior, ATAGI had recommended against Covid boosters for healthy young people, stating on 08 Feb 2023,
”Adolescents and younger adults have a lower age-related risk of severe COVID-19, and a comparatively higher risk of myocarditis following vaccination.”
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