Obese Teens and Diabetes Drugs
Your child may not have diabetes, but that won’t stop the pediatric pushers from trying to get him /her hooked on diabetes drugs in order to shed a few kilos.
The latest bit of shockingly underwhelming research found that kids taking Glucophage XR (Metformin) lost very little weight over a very long time…yet it’s being hailed as some kind of breakthrough.
These teens managed to shave an average of just 0.9 off their body-mass index over a year, according to the study published in the Archives of Pediatrics and Adolescent Medicine. That’s around two measly kilos…for kids who generally need to lose 14 or 18 kilos, or more.
And yet the delusional authors of this study had the nerve to call this complete failure a success.
“These results indicate that Metformin may have an important role in the treatment of adolescent obesity,” they wrote, apparently unaware of what words like “important” and “treatment” mean.
Then they had the gall to add that longer-term studies are needed.
Sorry, pal — but if you got nowhere in a year, you don’t get a second shot.
The fact is, drugs are never the real answer for weight loss — especially diabetes meds like Metformin.
Sure, they might help you or your kid lose a few kilos. And you might kill some mice by setting up land mines in your home, too.
This drug causes nausea, vomiting, cramps and diarrhea — so of course your kids will lose some weight on it. They’ll be too sick to eat…and when they do, they’ll have trouble keeping it all down.
And if you thought your kid was an outcast because he’s fat, wait until you see how his social life blossoms with those side effects. It’s also known to cause plenty of flatulence, but you know kids — maybe they’ll find that one funny.
Dr Ann Wigmore’s RECIPES FOR LONGER LIFE is an excellent guide to proper nutrition and disease prevention.