Chlorophyll and You
Throughout history, the colour “green” has been associated with healing, new life, growth and regeneration. Chlorophyll is the pigment within all plants where photosynthesis takes place. Chlorophyll is known as “concentrated sunlight” because it absorbs the energy from the sun and transforms it into plant energy. When you eat chlorophyll-rich foods, you can directly benefit from the transfer of this energy.
Chlorophyll is possibly the most intriguing and under-appreciated miracle of nature. The chlorophyll in plants literally forms the atmosphere and ozone, which creates the oxygen that is necessary for us to breathe and protects all life on earth from harmful ultraviolet light. Chlorophyll also makes the food that is the basis of the food chain. It is, in fact, our only link to the sun’s energy, distributing it in the form of oxygen, protein, and sugar – fuelling life on earth.
When we take chlorophyll into our bodies through green foods we provide the raw material our red blood cells need to keep this internal oxygenation system operating optimally. When we absorb and carry more oxygen, we release more carbon dioxide, which reduces stress on the body, creates greater energy and endurance, and, most importantly, creates an aerobic environment in which disease cannot begin its incubation cycle.
Because it is almost identical to human blood, chlorophyll is also known as the “blood” of the plant. The only difference between human blood and chlorophyll is that hemoglobin’s molecular structure is centred on iron and chlorophyll’s is centred on magnesium.
The nearly identical similarity between human blood and chlorophyll represents the perfect symbiotic relationship between man and the plants. All life on earth is co-dependent. Chlorophyll is the elixir that sustains all life on earth; without it, there would be no plants and thus, no oxygen. When chlorophyll is introduced into the body, it could allow the blood to, among many other things, deliver more oxygen to the body and “build” blood in those systems that are weakened by disease and toxins. This is simply another way to describe the detoxification process that many people experience once they introduce chlorophyll-rich green foods into their diets.
Various “green” cereal grasses such as wheat and alfalfa contain a multitude of nutritional elements including: vitamins, minerals, enzymes, phytonutrients, chlorophyll, antioxidants, carotenoids, flavonoids and polypeptides. Nutritionists have concluded that the wide range of nutrients found in cereal grasses work together to provide numerous health benefits to the body.
Unlike synthetically derived multi-vitamins, wheatgrass and other concentrated green foods offer a broad-spectrum, synergistic blend of whole food nutrition. For those who are gluten-intolerant, it is important to note that there is no gluten in cereal grass (wheat, alfalfa, oat, etc.), since the grass is harvested at an early stage of growth, prior to the development of the grain. In order to maximize the nutritional content of cereal grass juices, the grass is harvested at this relatively young stage. (Also known as the first jointing stage).
Organic Wheatgrass Powder (Pure, no gluten, no additives) is available.