Coconut Oil Superfood
Mother’s’ milk is considered a superfood, the most perfect food on the planet for human consumption, due to its ideal nutritional content and immune boosting-compounds. The closest match in nature to mothers’ milk is found within the coconut. This tropical staple is loaded with many powerful fatty acids that give it a unique taste and an abundance of health- enhancing benefits.
Coconut oil is rich in healthful saturated fats, known as medium chain triglycerides or MCTs. Vegetable and seed oils usually consist of long chain fatty acids (LCFAs), also known as long-chain triglycerides or LCTs. The LCTs put more strain on the pancreas, liver, and GI tract. The body must package these LCTs with carrier proteins that require special enzymes to effectively metabolize.
MCTs are smaller, though, and permeate cell membranes easily without the need for carrier proteins and special enzymes. MCTs are sent directly to the liver, where they are immediately converted into usable energy rather than being stored as fat. In fact, MCTs do not depend on bile or pancreatic enzymes to be effectively metabolized. This makes coconut oil fully digestible for those who have had the gallbladder removed.
Coconut oil is the most stable of all commonly used fatty acid sources, due to its high composition of saturated fats. This stability is very important, because it reduces the free radical load on our bodies. Physiologist and biochemist Ray Peat, Ph.D. has deemed coconut oil an antioxidant, due to its resistance to oxidation and free radical formation.
Coconut oil helps to balance hormones, stabilize blood sugar levels and boost the cellular healing process. It is also known to stimulate the thyroid and reduce stress on the liver and pancreas. This increases metabolism and helps us burn fat more effectively. Additionally, coconut oil increases our energy levels, due to its easy digestive process.
Both mothers’ milk and coconut oil are rich in immune-boosting lauric acid, which is converted in the body to monolaurin. Monolaurin contains extraordinarily powerful antibiotic, antiviral, and antifungal properties. Unlike man-made antibiotics and antivirals, these fatty acids pose no danger within our bodies. They are completely harmless to us, yet powerful in destroying harmful microbes by damaging the cell membrane of these competing organisms. This makes coconut oil one of the best foods to eat during cold/flu season.
MCTs are also known for their ability to speed the healing process of cuts and bruises by destroying dangerous microbes and enhancing cellular metabolism and tissue repair. Coconut oil is also soothing and stress-reducing when applied to face, temples, and scalp.
Coconut oil keeps the skin and connective tissue strong and supple. It helps protect skin from the aging effects of free radicals, and naturally reduces the appearance of lines and wrinkles. It moisturizes hair and scalp, and enhances texture and highlights in hair while eliminating dandruff.
Hippocrates Pure Food-Grade Coconut Oil (Cold-pressed, organic, unrefined, unbleached, undeodorised, unhydrogenated, extra virgin) is available.