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Absolutely Disgusting Down Under

The Australian Government is trying to ignore a petition that was signed by 55,697 Australians requesting a vote on the amendments to the International Health Regulations, but they conveniently neglected to give the real reason.


The petition mentioned in the video is no longer open for signatures.

Australia’s Joint Standing Committee On Treaties (JSCOT), Minister of Health Mark Butler, the Department of Health and Aged Care, and the Secretariat of the Petitions Committee have attempted to ignore the 55,697 Australians who signed a petition requesting a Parliamentary vote regarding the amendments to the International Health Regulations that were adopted on May 27, 2022 and should be rejected before December 1, 2023.

Please take the time to REALLY read the complete article.

You will learn that the Australian Parliament is completely impotent and has no power to vote to ratify or reject the amendments to the International Health Regulations.

You will also learn why the Australian Parliament will NEVER get an opportunity to vote to ratify or reject the proposed “Pandemic Agreement.”

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