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Breast Cancer Mistakes

Breast Cancer Mistakes

I was 33 when I went to my doctor with a lump in my breast. He said it was nothing. A year later, I went back complaining that it was becoming painful. (He denied that I had already brought this up with him in a prior visit, doctors will lie to save their skin.) Now... read more
Chronic Pain

Chronic Pain

I am 35 years old. I started my big pharma injuries in 2007 when i had my first back surgery after rupturing several discs. I was on hydrocodone for back pain from 2007 to 2012, i did ok with my back and my health till 2012 i was able to mostly maintain a healthy... read more
Antidepressants Steal Lives

Antidepressants Steal Lives

I suppose when you go to your GP and are given medication, you think that if it doesn’t agree with you, then you can just stop taking it. This doesn’t always happen with antidepressants. One of the reasons is that within weeks, you can become hooked and... read more
Breast Cancer

Breast Cancer

I am seventy years old, still working in Nursing, and I am feeling great. I know iF I had radiation I could not work, as more damage would have been done to my health. About five years ago I had a lump removed from mu left breast. It was a low grade cancer. Five years... read more


My GP, didn’t test me for Helicobacter Bacteria, which I’ve had for over 4 years. I kept mentioning to him I wasn’t feeling well at all. I had symptoms of nausea, bloating, burping, loss of appetite, no energy and weight loss (8kgs). And still he... read more


Several years ago I was suffering what I thought was a bad case of groin tinea, or so the doctor said. After about 6 prescriptions of cream for the complaint costing me about $350.00, it was no closer to being relieved. I went to another doctor who looked at it and... read more