Has Neuroscience Found the Key to What Caused Zombie Nation?
The Science of Brainwashing Please enjoy – to the extent you can – my Foreword to ‘The Indoctrinated Brain’, by Dr Michael Nehls. The book, which explains the neuroscience of propaganda, will chill your soul, but may explain a great deal. ‘The fact that... read more
Carbon Emissions: The Elite 1% Squander While They Lock Down the Rest of Us.
‘Polluter elite’ are plundering the planet to point of destruction, says Oxfam after comprehensive study of climate inequality The richest 1% of humanity is responsible for more carbon emissions than the poorest 66%, with dire consequences for vulnerable... read more
Is Australia Next?
A New Threat Rises from the Criminal Cartel that Farms Us for Profit. Delayed but not stopped, the U.S. government is planning a rule that allows for America’s protected lands, including parks and wildlife refuges, to be listed on the N.Y. Stock Exchange. Natural... read more
Australia: Good News! “Misinformation” Bill Goes Back to Drawing Board.
The federal government’s concerning ‘misinformation bill’ will face delays and head back to the drawing board, following significant criticisms of the dystopian legislation. The Albanese government is reportedly set to overhaul its Orwellian draft... read more