Remdesivir and Covid Protocols in Australian Hospitals: Murder of A Minority Dissident Group.
By ExcessDeathsAU This month I was determined to not become a statistic. For the past three weeks I have been sicker than I have been in over a decade with what can be described as ‘influenza-like symptoms.’ Of course, I have not taken the covid jab and I will never... read more
Vaccine Hesitancy? Absolutely!
A crack team of psychologists has come up with a 4-step plan for overcoming “vaccine hesitancy”. “Health care professionals” can use a set of emotionally-manipulative techniques collectively labelled the “Empathetic Refutational... read more
Australia: Covid Judicial Misbehaviour, and What You Can Do.
Section 72 makes a misbehaving judge Ours to deal with Governments everywhere know all about the mounting legal & medical issues, but will not address them publicly (for now) due to the legal liability ramifications. So we are talking about a high stakes game... read more
Australia: Medical Staff DO NOT Have Specific Medical Indemnity for Injecting Covid Vaccines.
Have vaccinators obtained valid voluntary informed consent for COVID-19 vaccination? More than two years ago, it was discovered that vaccinators – doctors, nurses, pharmacists – DO NOT have specific medical indemnity for administering COVID-19 vaccines in... read more