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Toxic Sunscreens

Toxic Sunscreens

A study published in “Environmental Science and Technology” (April 2012) has shown that a potent sunscreen ingredient, oxybenzone, may be a cause of endometriosis. This condition occurs when uterine tissue grows in abnormal sites in the abdomen and causes... read more
Be Sun-Safe

Be Sun-Safe

Get the right amount of sun for you. Every person has different skin. We all live in different places. We all need different exposure times. We recommend you expose your naked skin for half the time required to turn pink. This way, you won’t burn and... read more


A reader writes: “I want to tell you a wonderful thing about magnesium. I had pyorrhea and gingivitis for years. When I started taking magnesium the pyorrhea and gingivitis cleared up. Then I noticed my right front cuspid was thinner than the left, but there was... read more
Blood Pressure and Watermelon

Blood Pressure and Watermelon

Elevated blood pressure results in micro-cracks in the delicate endothelial lining of the blood vessels that must be patched by plaque (formed largely of circulating oxidized LDL cholesterol and calcium particles), beginning the process of atherosclerosis and greatly... read more
Real Men Don’t Eat Vegetables?

Real Men Don’t Eat Vegetables?

Only 5% of Australian men eat the recommended daily amount of fruits and vegetables, according to the Australian Institute of Health and Welfare’s latest “The Health of Australia’s Males” report. (Five daily serves of veges and two serves of... read more
Why Coconut Oil?

Why Coconut Oil?

Healthful for cooking. Coconut oil will not become rancid and oxidize when introduced to moderate heat (unlike other oils). It has a shelf life of two years or more. Assists in weight loss. Weight loss can be achieved by replacing long-chain fatty acids with... read more