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A new study published in Nature indicates that the present epidemic of type 2 diabetes is directly related to the lack of healthy bacteria in the digestive tract. “We have demonstrated that people with type 2 diabetes have a high level of pathogens in their... read more
Do You Get Sick?

Do You Get Sick?

I do get sick. But I haven’t in about three years. Here’s how I get sick. It’s a tried and true formula and it works every time. I sleep for less than six hours for three days in a row. I drink every night. I eat heavy dinners every night. I meet... read more
Fermented Foods for Health

Fermented Foods for Health

Beneficial microbes have been living inside the human (and animal and insect) gastrointestinal tract since the beginning of time. Eating a diet rich in fermented foods, which contain massive amounts of beneficial microbes, or probiotics, is essential for optimal... read more
Sex is Good for Your Health

Sex is Good for Your Health

01 When women make love, they produce more oestrogen. This makes hair shiny and skin smooth. 02 Gentle, relaxed lovemaking reduces your chances of suffering dermatitis, skin rashes and blemishes. The sweat produced cleanses the pores and makes your skin glow. 03... read more