Daily Dose of Vitamin D Prevents Falls in Elderly
Seniors who take a daily dose of vitamin D may be significantly less likely to suffer from falls, according to a study conducted by researchers from the Center on Aging and Mobility at the University of Zurich, Switzerland, and published in the British Medical... read more
A How-To Guide for Soaking Grains
If you give up before you ever start, however, you’ll be losing all of the health benefits that come only from pre-soaking your grains. This includes breaking down phytic acid, which binds to the nutrients in grain and prevents them from being absorbed in the... read more
“Easy” Orgasms: An Unexpected Magnesium Side Effect
In addition to ridding herself of gag reflex, insomnia and chronic muscle pain… a reader reported that supplementing with magnesium has allowed her to have consistent orgasms. “I was on Paxil to keep my sanity,” Susan writes. “I was... read more
Do Vegetarians Get Enough Protein?
If you are already eating a vegetarian diet, or if you are moving in that direction, then by simply eating enough food from a variety of sources (consuming sufficient calories for your energy needs), you will automatically be getting enough protein. Why? Because each... read more