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Surgery Can Make You a Drug Addict

Surgery Can Make You a Drug Addict

You’ve likely heard about the opioid crisis.. Unfortunately, one of the populations being caught in this web of dependency is a group that’s already endured quite a lot when it comes to their health: cancer patients. New research has revealed startling... read more
Watching TV Creates Blood Clots

Watching TV Creates Blood Clots

You probably have a habit that you know isn’t great for you: ending your day watching TV. Many of us assume that we can out-exercise this habit, but new research from the American Heart Association has revealed that unfortunately, this isn’t the case... read more
The Best Time of Day to Have Surgery?

The Best Time of Day to Have Surgery?

Of course, surgeries are sometimes done at unexpected times to address emergencies. But, whenever possible, you should schedule surgery so that you have adequate time to prepare – and so that you can have the surgery at an optimal time. Here’s why this is... read more
Is Coconut Oil Good for Leaky Gut Syndrome?

Is Coconut Oil Good for Leaky Gut Syndrome?

A resounding yes! Coconut oil is heavy in nutritious fats easily absorbed by the body, and has immune-supporting and healing components. It can inhibit candida growth and help support healthy digestion. Ensure that coconut oil is organic, unrefined, unhydrogenated and... read more
Toxic Energy Drinks

Toxic Energy Drinks

Red Bull is an addictive caffeine and sugar sandwich (with some synthetic taurine and synthetic B vitamins thrown in) that promises to “vitalize your body and mind.” Using the word “energy” in naming their products makes people think these poisonous cocktails are... read more
Hospitals Make You Worse

Hospitals Make You Worse

If we were to describe a dystopian novel in which people go into hospital sick in order to be cared for, and come out disabled, you would be horrified. However, that’s what’s happening in today’s hospital care for the elderly. An Aug 10, 2017 Medscape article titled... read more