How to Create An Autistic Child
(By a mother who created an autistic child) 01 Do NOT pay attention to your maternal diet. It does not matter if you eat McDonalds’s, KFC, or worse daily. What the heck? Eat processed food in abundance. 02 Put your new baby in day care immediately. I was so... read more
Bill Clinton Vegan
By the time he reached the White House, Bill Clinton’s appetite was legend. He loved hamburgers, steaks, chicken enchiladas, barbecue and french fries, and wasn’t picky. At one campaign stop in New Hampshire, he reportedly bought a dozen doughnuts and was... read more
Why Sunlight?
Pain In a 2005 study, patients staying on the well-lit side of their hospital unit, thereby receiving about 46 percent greater sunlight exposure, experienced less perceived stress, took 22 percent less analgesic medication hourly, and incurred 21 percent less pain... read more
Prostate Treatment, Fracture and Death
Men who undergo a hormone deprivation treatment for prostate cancer are significantly more likely to suffer fractures, and men who suffer fractures are significantly more likely to die, according a study conducted by researchers from the Cancer Institute of New... read more