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Magnesium Chloride for Headaches

Magnesium Chloride for Headaches

Muscle tension and spasm in neck and head muscles can be alleviated with magnesium chloride, which can be applied locally and taken orally. Deficiency of serotonin can result in migraine headaches and depression. Serotonin depends on magnesium for proper balance.... read more
Maximum Health?  Live in the Mountains!

Maximum Health? Live in the Mountains!

It’s no surprise that where you live can affect your health. People who live in big cities often have to contend with higher rates of pollution than country dwellers. People who live in cold climates often have lower levels of vitamin D than those who live near... read more
Ketogenic Diet?  No, thanks.

Ketogenic Diet? No, thanks.

The Ketogenic Diet has become trendy. It’s promoted as the next weight loss miracle, but it’s actually just another way that you can become depleted in magnesium. It’s by no means a balanced diet, since it’s high in fat and low in carbohydrates to... read more
Get Some Sun to Prevent Dementia

Get Some Sun to Prevent Dementia

Can catching rays be good for your brain? Researchers wanted to find out. And what they discovered gives you a great way to protect your memory. To find the answer to the question, they searched all of the published articles between 1990 and October 2015 that looked... read more
Drug Expiration Dates: Do They Matter?

Drug Expiration Dates: Do They Matter?

You should never take a prescribed drug that has passed its expiration date, right? After all, it’s probably completely ineffective. And it might even be toxic. If you’re nodding your head right now, I have some news for you. Expiration dates mean little... read more