Diet and Drugs are the Problem
Addiction begins with sugar, and creates patterns of addictive behaviors not recognized as caused by sugar. However, these behaviors make parents, doctors, and the kids themselves think they need drugs to suppress these symptoms. (Dr. Abram Hoffer wrote many decades... read more
Weakened Thyroid Gland? Adrenals?
Millions of people are suffering— and trying various diets, pills, and treatments — to clear their mental fog, to boost energy and lose weight. Unfortunately, there is little success to be had until the thyroid and adrenals and he entire endocrine system are... read more
If you receive the challenging diagnosis of Parkinson’s disease, the last thing you may want to do is start an exercise program. But doctors have known for years that doing so could be one of the best things for you. They just weren’t sure why. Now, new... read more
Want to Save the Planet? Use Less Deodorant.
The deodorants, perfumes and soaps that keep us smelling good are fouling the air with a harmful type of pollution — at levels as high as emissions from today’s cars and trucks. That’s the surprising finding of a study published Thursday in the journal Science.... read more