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Wheatgrass Juice Put to the Test

Wheatgrass Juice Put to the Test

In an editorial that accompanied a landmark study showing an extract of the spice turmeric could be used to fight ulcerative colitis, the authors congratulated the researchers on performing the largest study ever on complementary or alternative medicine approaches to... read more
How to Survive Hospital

How to Survive Hospital

A friend suggested a great way to survive a hospital stay. He simply kept a journal. That’s right. Turn your stay into a novel, with the characters being everyone who walks into your room. Whenever someone comes into your room, be it the janitor, doctor, candy... read more
Self-Esteem and Health

Self-Esteem and Health

Many maintain that poor health begins with self-deprecation. To begin to better esteem yourself, keep a journal. Every evening, before sleep, write down seven things you like about yourself, or about things you did that day that made you feel good about yourself. Do... read more
Simple Changes to Keep You Alive and Healthy

Simple Changes to Keep You Alive and Healthy

01Experience the benefits of sexSex has many apparent health benefits. Studies suggest sex can boost your immune system and reduce stress. 02Keep your teeth cleanDiabetes, low birth weight babies and heart disease have all been linked to gum and bone disease in your... read more
The Truth About Soy

The Truth About Soy

The world’s biggest and most powerful agricultural companies are still trying to convince you that their soy products are healthful, but there’s a problem. It’s not traditional soy. You see, Asian farmers used to consider soy to be a type of... read more
Why We Don’t Eat Soy? Soy Causes:

Why We Don’t Eat Soy? Soy Causes:

01Alzheimer's disease 02Cognitive impairment 03Brain shrinkage and premature deterioration 04Production of steroidal hormones 05Estrogen formation, leading to erectile dysfunction 06Dementia by shrinking blood vessels in brain 07Early puberty in girls, and... read more