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Improve Your Digestion

Improve Your Digestion

Did you know that you could be eating the correct nutrients, but not absorbing them? In order to build muscle, strengthen your immune system, and get the energy you need throughout the day, the nutrients you eat have to be absorbed in your digestive tract. And that... read more
Your Digestion

Your Digestion

The most important factor in digestion is proper food selection, avoiding non-nutritive junk foods, and choosing foods that provide the building blocks your body needs. (Organic raw foods are ideal, of course.) It’s obvious your body won’t digest food... read more
Your Body’s Enzyme Account

Your Body’s Enzyme Account

Enzymes are particularly sensitive to the molecular destruction of cooking. Unfortunately, each of us is given only a limited supply of enzyme energy at birth, and this supply must work to keep every body system in working order throughout our lifetime. The only other... read more


Do you suffer from heartburn? Before you turn to antacids, proton pump inhibitors, and prescription medications, consider: Stomach acid is necessary for proper nutrient absorption, proper digestion, and to prevent bacterial growth. Heartburn/acid reflux is due to a... read more
Bromelain Power

Bromelain Power

Bromelain (derived from pineapple) is a proteolytic enzyme, and can fight off inflammation in the tissues and organs of the body. It helps the body eliminate toxins, prevents blood clotting and improves food and nutrient digestion. Bromelain is also effective in... read more