Sauerkraut for Your Health
Raw, fermented foods are brimming with health-promoting probiotics, and have been staples of the human diet for thousands of years. One such ancient food is sauerkraut, produced simply by breaking and covering cabbage leaves, and letting this sit for several days or... read more
Bromelain for Your Health
Bromelain is an enzyme with many uses and health benefits. Enzymes are considered even more important functionally than vitamins and minerals. Without enzymes, food cannot be broken down into its constituent nutrients, and enzymes are needed for most cellular... read more
Toxic Fried Foods
Fried foods clog arteries and lead to strokes and Alzeimer’s. Clogged veins and arteries cause heart attacks and aneurysms. Canola oil is a major GMO product (genetically modified to contain pesticides), and is used by almost all restaurants and in manufactured... read more
Hydrochloric Acid and Reflux Drugs
Acid reflux, and the heartburn that results, occurs when acid from the stomach backs up into the esophagus. An estimated 1/3 of “standard diet” eaters experience heartburn on a regular basis. Treatment with both over-the-counter (OTC) and prescription... read more