A reader writes:
“I want to tell you a wonderful thing about magnesium. I had pyorrhea and gingivitis for years. When I started taking magnesium the pyorrhea and gingivitis cleared up. Then I noticed my right front cuspid was thinner than the left, but there was a diagonal chip in the left cuspid. I began a regimen of brushing my teeth with magnesium, and within three months the tooth had remineralized. Both teeth are fine and the right cuspid that was thinner is now normal. It truly is a miracle mineral. I told my dentist about it but really, he didn’t pay attention. Professionals think it’s some kind of idiocy. When will they wake up?”
Another reader wrote that his mother is on a lot of medications, and but he encouraged her to take magnesium. He said,
“After her first dose she said that she later had a really good BM–and felt ten years younger. WOW–that makes me feel it’s really worth it to remind her to take it–she’s almost 89.”
Even multiple sclerosis can respond to magnesium. A reader wrote,
“As an MS patient I was blown away to find that after only two days on magnesium, several of my symptoms disappeared to the point that I am more of a functioning woman.”
by Dr. Carolyn Dean
Hippocrates Pure Food-Grade Magnesium Chloride is available.