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Feb 3, 2014 | Cannabis
Leading health experts are calling for medical marijuana to be legalized in Australia, arguing that cannabis is both a safe and effective form of medicine. Writing in the Medical Journal of Australia, a group of prominent doctors and health authorities, including... read moreJan 29, 2014 | Cannabis
Cannabis offers exciting possibilities for patients afflicted by cancer, HIV/AIDS, MS, chronic pain and other debilitating conditions. Although medical marijuana programs face several obstacles, the benefits offered by medical marijuana and the positive impact this... read moreJan 16, 2014 | Cannabis
A leading publisher on herbal medicines has finalized a monograph on cannabis that provides scientific standards for patients, growers, practitioners, regulators and researchers. The California-based American Herbal Pharmacopoeia (AHP) released the first installment... read moreJan 16, 2014 | Cannabis
Marijuana has been used medically, recreationally and spiritually for about 5,000 years. Known botanically as cannabis, it has been called a “crude drug”: marijuana contains more than 400 chemicals from 18 chemical families. More than 2,000 compounds are... read moreJan 15, 2014 | Cannabis
A new study suggests that marijuana may help prevent erectile dysfunction in individuals most at risk. One of the most common causes of erectile dysfunction is high cholesterol, which can clog blood vessels and weaken blood flow to the penis. Over time, it may also... read moreJul 27, 2011 | The World
The Medical Marijuana Program (MMP) was established to provide a voluntary medical marijuana identification card issuance and registry program for qualified patients and their caregivers. The web-based registry system allows law enforcement and the public... read more