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Toxic Gluten

Toxic Gluten

Wheat, rye, oats and barley can lead to countless health issues, ranging from bloating and fatigue to constipation and gastrointestinal distress. For those who suffer from the more serious autoimmune disorder, celiac disease, health issues can be much worse. However,... read more
Avoid Gluten

Avoid Gluten

Gluten is the common protein found in wheat, barley, oats, spelt, and rye. Gluten is a sticky, storage protein that when combined with water becomes `gluey.` In the digestive tract this reaction can lead to gluten binding to the small intestinal wall, where it can... read more


Gluten sensitivity is epidemic. Gluten sensitivity is triggered by eating products containing gluten. The only way to avoid its complications is to avoid foods (such as wheat, barley, rye, oats) containing gluten. Dozens of ailments are exacerbated by gluten... read more

Gluten Glues Up My Guts

I’ve avoided cooked wheat for years, but sprouted grains don’t seem to bother me. Then, the other day in a grocery, I sampled a strawberry shortcake. The amount of cake was about a teaspoon…well maybe two teaspoons, because I had two. In truth, I... read more