Australia: 5 Ways They Want to Enslave You — and How to Fight Back!
Nation First outlines the five sinister ways global elites are working to strip away our freedoms and how we can push back against their agenda of control. It’s time to face facts: they want more control over our lives. Governments, big business, and media elites are... read more
Are You Over Age 60? Will You Die Soon From Net Zero, Cold and Starvation?
Net Zero is a weapon devised to destroy and to enslave. By Dr. Vernon Coleman The murder victims will die of cold and hunger. But Starmer’s Labour Government will be responsible. Governments are desperate to kill as many old people as possible and they’ll do whatever... read more
What is Coercive Control? Government is Coercive Control.
Coercive control is a pattern of abusive behaviours that governments use to control and dominate their citizens. This can include psychological, emotional, physical, and even sexual abuse. Coercive control is a type of abuse that goes beyond individual incidents or... read more
Australia: Govt Database Exposes Huge Death Toll from Covid Vax.
The Australian government’s own database has exposed a huge death toll and staggering numbers of injuries from Covid vaccines…Where is the outrage? Where is the media? The data shows a shocking 139,000 reported injuries from the Covid vaccine. The figure... read more
Australian Doctor: Big Pharma Corrupted Medicine. I Don’t Trust Medicine Any More.
GUEST POST: by Julie Sladden, MD It was one of those conversations you never forget. We were discussing – of all things – the Covid injections, and I was questioning the early ‘safe and effective’ claims put forward by the pharmaceutical industry. I felt suspicious of... read more
3% of Those Who Received Covid Vax Died Suddenly.
Overview of a recent study on Covid-19 vaccination and mortality A recent study conducted by researchers from the German-Jordanian University and the University of Petra has raised concerns regarding the mortality rates associated with Covid-19 vaccinations. The study... read more
Remdesivir: What You Must Know.
“Please share this article with everyone you know. And please send or show copies of this article to every doctor and nurse you can reach.” By Dr. Vernon Coleman Remdesivir is described as a `broad spectrum antiviral drug’. It is a RNA polymerase inhibitor... read more
Oncologist Refuses Covid and Flu Vaxes
Prof. Masanori Fukushima, Japan’s top oncologist, said that genetic vaccines are totally unacceptable. “I didn’t choose to get vaccinated because I think it was a foolish decision from the beginning. I haven’t even opted for the flu shot because I consider it an... read more