Peripheral Artery Disease
My husband has peripheral artery disease (plaque in legs) and we are loathe to go with the normal advice from the medical fraternity. The treatment we have been advised to proceed with is asperiin to keep the blood thin (assume that is prior to operation., A prescription was prescribed for some medication and on asking how long that had to be taken we were advised that it was for life. We were horrified and left hoping not to go down that path.
We have tried more natural treatments but our more holistic Dr has advised that plaque in the legs is extremely difficult to move and we may have to look at stents in his right leg if not both…
We are walking good distances which causes pain in my husband’s right leg but he pushes through regardless – we believe this is a good move for this problem. We have of course addressed diet and stress.
It is such a shame that the only advice has been the above and we definitely would prefer not to go there. I am sure anyone with the same health issue has had the same initial experience. We have not had any luck finding a holistic vascular surgeon.