The accumulated evidence is overwhelming that Covid was an orchestrated pandemic. Intentional use of the faulty PCR test, intentional false reporting of Covid deaths as a result of World Health Organization guidelines and financial incentives to hospitals to report all deaths as Covid deaths, and prohibited treatment by known cures tgether produced a high level of fear that drove the masses to accept the Covid “vaccination” that generated huge monetary gains for Big Pharma and associated shills such as Anthony Fauci and massive inroads on civil liberty by governments.
Hardly anyone died from Covid itself. They died from lack of treatment. The protocol was that if you became infected and if you worsened after a week, go to the hospital where you were put on ventilators, an incorrect treatment that usually was deadly. Doctors who saved the lives of their patients with Ivermectin and HCQ were punished. Corporate doctors were fired, and those in private practice suffered attacks on their medical licenses by authorities, resulting in loss of license to practice medicine. Highly distinguished medical scientists who blew the whistle on this death-maximizing approach were demonized, and every effort was made to silence them and to destroy them professionally.