Meditation and Weight Loss
When we ponder weight loss, we usually think about burning calories or sweating off the fat. Of course, when you meditate, you sit very still, without making a move. Can meditation, therefore, be helpful in losing weight? Although you won’t burn many calories during a typical meditation session, meditation may be one of your most important practices in your effort to lose weight.
Weight loss is not just a physical activity. Sure, if you eat less and you exercise more, you will lose weight. However, all of our actions begin in our minds. If you are going to walk for 45 minutes every day, you first have to decide to do it, and, at the right time, you have to think and then go for your walk. These are all mental activities.
Similarly, if you realize that junk food is only making your waistline expand, and you want to stop eating it, you first have to make a decision to change your eating habits, and then you have to walk past and not stop at the pastry shop on your way to work. Again, these are mostly mental activities.
If you are trying to lose weight you probably already “know” that you have to exercise more, and change some of your eating habits. You “know” this to be a fact, yet you are unable to do it. All people, whether fat or slim, have this same dilemma. We “know” many things intellectually, but we are not always able to put our best intentions into action.
Meditation is one of the best methods to take control of yourself. During meditation you will learn to make your mind stronger. A weight lifter typically exercises certain muscles, making them stronger and stronger. Similarly someone who meditates is exercising her “mental” muscle by directing her mind away from the noise of the world outside toward the calm within. Following the meditation instructions takes a bit of effort, but that effort will be rewarded.
If anyone meditates on a daily basis, she will not only become more able to concentrate during the meditation session, but also more able to put her good intentions into practice and make positive changes in her life.
It is not a question of mind over matter, or having to do anything that you don’t want to do. Meditation is an activity that changes you from the inside out. Instead of forcing yourself not to eat the doughnut in between meals, the very desire to eat it will vanish. Instead of fighting with yourself to go out for a walk, exercise will become something that you enjoy doing. If you get into the practice of meditation, no one will have to twist your arm to make you live a healthy lifestyle; it will become your natural choice.
Therefore, while you will not sweat off any pounds during your periods of meditation, the daily practice of meditation could be one of the most important parts of your effort to lose weight and live a long, healthful and happy life.
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