It’s happening: State Governments are coming for homeschooling families.
This is an urgent call to action!
We’ve seen a massive 100% rise in homeschooling across Australia since the pandemic but in Queensland, perhaps Australia’s most conservative State, the rise has been nearly 200%.
This is why the Queensland Government is making the first move against homeschoolers… but other States will be looking on.
There are almost 50,000 families homeschooling their children across Australia and Queensland accounts for over 10,000 of those families.
This has terrified governments as, unlike in private and Catholic schools which are still subject to a woke national curriculum, the government cannot control what homeschooled children are taught.
In a world where the iron grip of government threatens to squeeze the very essence of freedom from our lives, the sanctity of homeschooling stands as the last bastion of liberty to safeguard our children’s future.
Sign the petition telling the Queensland Government to get its hands off homeschooling. We need as many signatures as possible to make an impression.