There’s growing momentum around the acknowledgement of vaccination injuries despite them being ignored by big pharma, the medical profession, and governments around the world, including our own.
As medical professionals point out, unless a vaccine injury was diagnosed immediately following the Covid-19 vaccination it can be hard to detect.
But let’s take a step back and remember that period of time for a moment – 2020-2021 – when Doctors were threatened with deregistration for not promoting positive messages around the Government rollout of Covid vaccinations, vaccination mandates were in place, circumventing vaccination rules, was virtually impossible as was getting a medical exemption.
Even now, some months on from vaccination mandates – many GPs just don’t seem to want to consider the potential for vaccination injury in patients presenting with symptoms they can trace back to the jab.
This is only making it harder for sufferers to have their symptoms taken seriously or get access to specialist medical help to assist with diagnosis.
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