Reposted verbatim from Julian Gillespie, LLB, BJuris:
” to paraphrase a line on the devil
.. the greatest trick Pfizer and Moderna ever pulled was to convince the world their products don’t enter the nucleus, and alter chromosomal DNA, forever
With a heavy heart I can now share with you the new legal proceedings we launched on 6 July, naming Pfizer and Moderna as the Defendants .. our planet’s new IG Farbens producing a more subtle Zyklon B (said with respect to those affected by the latter).
A more detailed overview is further down the page .. the attached Letters of Demand we sent to Pfizer, Moderna, the Office of the Gene Technology Regulator, and the TGA, contain an abundance of references Re the long established science surrounding the real dangers these transfection products were always known to pose to humanity.