An English gentleman concludes that he, and many others, are never going to be the same in the aftermath of the Covid vaccination scam:
I know I will never view governments in the same way again as I did pre-covid. Any residual trust has gone completely.
I will never again trust the BBC and the rest of the mainstream media, and, as a former journalist, that is a deep gash.
I will never quite trust doctors or nurses who fell into line and stayed silent – and still do.
Or so-called scientists and academics who, again, stayed silent, or were prepared to fudge the truth to protect their grants and jobs.
Or police who turned so easily from community-supporting crime fighters to unthinking, ruthless, masked-up, tooled-up government enforcers, breaking up peaceful protests and political meetings.
Or hysterical teachers and their unions who gave away their great lie that ‘the children must come first’.
Or most churches, temples and mosques for their complicit silence and hate-inspiring statements, such as ‘Jesus would want everyone to be vaccinated and to do otherwise is an act of selfishness’.
And then there are the neighbours, friends, family members and strangers who displayed a total lack of critical thinking; who put me, and my like, at risk with their compliance. They still do. What jeopardies do they hold for us in the future with their weak, blind and unnecessary obedience?
They were complicit in the theft of more than two years of my life.
My worldview has changed forever.
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