More Christmas Cheer? Fruits and Vegetables!
by Robyn Chuter
Rich food and booze can leave you feeling tired and blue.
‘Tis the season to be jolly, so the Christmas carol tells us, but not everyone is feeling particularly perky at this time of year.
Between running the gauntlet of overcrowded shopping malls in search of perfect gifts for hard-to-buy-for loved ones; negotiating the obligatory family Christmas dinner (a painful experience for many people whose family didn’t quite pop out of a Hallmark card); and wedging get-togethers with colleagues, friends and neighbours into an already overstuffed schedule; many people feel more stressed and miserable at this time of year than at any other.
The rich food served at all these social occasions isn’t helping. How so? Well, for starters, there’s ‘holiday heart syndrome’, which is not just a silly excuse for the epidemic of ‘died suddenlies’ that has occurred since billions of people got injected with transfection agents that produce an artery- and heart-damaging foreign viral protein.
As I wrote in my previous article, ‘Tis the season to… have a heart attack and die (which was published in 2018, long before the dinosaur media began blaming everything from soccer referees’ whistles to making the bed to cold showers, for unexpected heart attacks and sudden cardiac death):