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by Robyn Chuter

What is ‘long COVID’, who’s really at risk of developing it, and why?

Back in November 2021, I wrote an article called The “long COVID” PSYOP, about the weaponisation of the syndrome of persistent postviral symptoms after SARS-CoV-2 infection, aka ‘postacute sequelae of SARS-CoV-2’ (PASC), aka ‘long-haul COVID’, aka ‘long COVID’. In that article, I stressed that postviral syndromes do genuinely occur after a wide variety of viral infections, but that the threat of ‘long COVID’ had been blown out of all proportion to its actual prevalence and severity. I also contended that one of the principle motivations for doing so was to terrorise people into accepting an experimental vaccine which they were (falsely) promised would protect them against this bogeyman.

Since then, numerous articles have been published on long COVID which only confirm my thesis from 16 months ago.

Over the next few posts, I’m going to walk you through some of these studies. Let’s get started with a study that set out to discover whether teenagers are at risk of detrimental psychological and cognitive outcomes of COVID-19: