Steve Jobs’ Doctor Killed Him
It is as simple as that: One of the most brilliant minds of our century made a fatal mistake when choosing his doctor — Dean Ornish, MD.
Ornish, infamous for pushing heavy grain consumption and soy on his patients, and denying them healthful fats, has been thoroughly discredited for decades. The evidence is conclusive: heavy grain consumption causes hypertrophy of the pancreas, as well as severe tissue degeneration, and can lead to the pancreatic cancer that brought Jobs down at the age of 56. And soy, as all my readers know, is deadly for the thyroid gland.
Don’t let the Ornish diet bring you down, too, and please help others by forwarding this warning to your contacts. For free information on the dangers of grains, click here to read AGAINST THE GRAIN, Chapter 16 of my book, TAKE CONTROL OF YOUR HEALTH AND ESCAPE THE SICKNESS INDUSTRY.
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