Magnesium Deficiency Keeps Men Down
When it comes to erections, if you don’t have enough magnesium, you just can’t get it up. That’s what researchers found. Of course, they didn’t say that calcification is usually due to magnesium deficiency. That calcium blocking coronary arteries calcifies penile arteries and doesn’t allow enough blood to create tumescence in the penis. The function of impotence drugs is simply to increase the blood flowing to the penis. But since drugs are stupid, they can’t be specific and they increase the blood flow everywhere including the brain. That’s why men get a morning-after migraine.
The mean age of the men in the study was only 50.5 years! The test they used to identify the calcification was the coronary artery calcification scan (CACS). It’s a known predictor of future cardiovascular events. This study holds significance for allopathic medicine because now they have a whole new cohort of individuals they can put on drugs, presumably to prevent cardiovascular disease. However, if they ever look back on such interventions they will probably find that heart disease arrives much faster because of the magnesium-deficiency effects of heart drugs.
How can we best describe the obliviousness of medicine to the overuse of drugs and the underuse of magnesium?
Tunnel vision.
When all you have is a hammer everything looks like a nail.
Just keep doing dumb stuff that doesn’t work.
Keep repeating the same mistakes.
A 2011 study found that in a group of 399 older men, magnesium levels are strongly and independently associated with testosterone and another anabolic hormone, insulin growth factor-1 (IGF-1).[i] Any increase in testosterone will automatically increase estrogen since it comes after testosterone in the natural steroid pathway of the adrenals and sex glands.
In another study, three groups of men were studied. Two groups took the same amount of magnesium – 10 mg per kg of body weight per day.[ii] One group was composed of sedentary men. The second group were athletes, who worked out 1.5-2 hours per day. The third group were also athletes, but took no magnesium supplements. The group that took magnesium and worked out had the greatest increase in free and total testosterone. The sedentary group who took supplements also saw significant increases in testosterone.
A 2015 study studied the “Relationship between serum magnesium concentration and metabolic and hormonal disorders in middle-aged and older men.”[iii] The researchers found that magnesium was higher in men, who had normal total testosterone levels. Subjects with metabolic syndrome had lower serum magnesium compared to patients without metabolic syndrome. Serum magnesium concentration in type 2 diabetes mellitus was lower compared to men without diabetes. The same was found in patients with arterial hypertension – serum magnesium concentration was lower than in patients without hypertension. The higher the magnesium concentration the lower the body mass index, waist-to-hip ratio, abdominal circumference, and arterial blood pressure. Higher concentration of magnesium was associated with higher total testosterone, lower LDL, and lower total cholesterol. The investigators concluded that “lower serum magnesium levels may be conducive to the development of total testosterone deficiency, arterial hypertension, diabetes, and therefore metabolic syndrome”.
Therefore, men who want to maintain good vascular health and sexual performance should realize that magnesium is a critical mineral, and make it part of a daily regimen including movement and exercise.
[i] Maggio M et al., “Magnesium and anabolic hormones in older men.” Int J Androl vol. 34, no. 6, part 2, pp. e594–600, 2011.
[ii] Cinar V, et al. “Effects of magnesium supplementation on testosterone levels of athletes and sedentary subjects at rest and after exhaustion.” Biol trace Elem Res. 2011 Apr;140(1):18-23
[iii] Rotter I, et al. “Relationship between serum magnesium concentration and metabolic and hormonal disorders in middle-aged and older men.” Magnes Res. 2015 Jul-Sep;28(3):99-107.