Boost Your Happiness
Stop Eating Processed Foods and Fast Food
A study published in Public Health Nutrition found that those who consume fast food, bakery and manufactured foods are 51% more likely to be depressed than those who abstain from such foods. Ann Wigmore’s RECIPES FOR LONGER LIFE is available.
Not only does quality sleep help you make healthful food choices, it helps improve your overall mood. You’ve probably experienced this firsthand. The magic number is different for everyone, but aim for around seven hours each night.
Develop Healthy Personal Relationships
In this age of technology, you would think our over-connectedness would bolster our moods. You’d be wrong. Life satisfaction has actually fallen with the increase in “connectivity,” leading to the belief that nothing is a substitute for real (face-to-face, not Facebook) friendships.
Several studies have indicated the positive link between meditation and mental health. When we are depressed, we are “consumed by negative preoccupations, thoughts and worries,” explains researcher Catherine Kerr. Meditation helps temper that. Mindfulness meditation can cut the recurrence of depression by up to 50%, a significant rate for a half-hour of your time. Get your free Holosync Meditation Demo.
Go Outside
Not only has vitamin D (sunshine vitamin) deficiency been linked to depression, studies have found that something as simple as a walk in the park can dramatically improve your mood and reduce depression symptoms. Hippocrates Natural Vitamin D3 is available.
Depression is a serious problem. But, too often, people are quick to subscribe to the belief that the only control they have over it involves taking a pill. This simply isn’t the case. Natural, active health can lead to happiness.