Hi Ronald
Belated condolences on the loss of Elaine.
Likely you don’t remember me, I’m Greg Gwyn, I used to turn up in an Econavan Sunday afternoons, whenever I was on the Gold Coast, to join your public day, enjoy your lectures, buy a tray of wheatgrass, sometimes books, stay for dinner and talk with awake people .
Nowadays I’m living in AcapulcO, Mexico, living the dream, having escaped Ausjailia over TWO years ago.
Copy and pasted below is a post I wrote in a private Telegram freedom cell group I’m part of, to celebrate Elaine’s awesome contribution to the world and improving and extending the lives of so many.
A tribute to freedom fighter Elaine Hollingsworth
Elaine Hollingsworth, Australian health crusador and freedom fighter against Big Pharma and Big Government collusion, died last year,aged 94.
No one in the medical mafia could debate and win against her on numerous health topics. She was well researched and was on the side of (unbiasd, unrigged) science.
She, along with Ronald Bradley, founded the Hippocraties Health Center on the Gold Coast, at the time, in my opinion, the leading health retreat in Australia.
In the early 2000’s, whenever I wasoin the Gold Coast, I would visit on Sundays, listen to their lectures and after stay for vegan dinner, the same diet their health retreat used to turn around the ill health of their clients.
When I first met her she possessed a MacDonalds burger more than 10 years old, perfectly preserved by all the artificial and synthetic ingredients in it! It still looked fresh enough to take a bite out of!
Her website
is still up.. She wrote ‘Take Control Of Your Health And Escape The Sickness Industry’. It was in most public libraries in Australia, and every naturopath I met in Australia knew about this book.
Elaine was one of the first people I met who had been part of the Globalist machine, then switched sides, to the side of we the people.
She was a cog in the propaganda/ brainwashing industries of Hollywood and TV.
She learned of the profound deceit prolific in the world during the years of her acting career, but unlike most stars that get sucked into the Globalist machine – many of whom literally sell their souls to the devil, she remained true to herself and walked away to instead fiercely advocate freedom, natural health and truth.
A remarkable lady.