by Adam Piggott
At the very beginning of the Covid debacle, I came down hard with a very bad case of the flu. This was while I was living in the Netherlands. At any other time of my life I would have stuck it out at home and used it as an excuse to game for hours while wallowing in my misery. But in full Covid panic time I got a little bit concerned. My immediate neighbor was a medical doctor and I had a good relationship with her and her family. So I asked her if I should trot off down to the local hospital and get checked out to make sure everything was okay.
Her response was definitive – hospitals are the very last place where you want to find yourself right now.
Three years after these events and facts are beginning to come to light. I read this piece with some sense of disquiet, particularly when the writer describes the effect on patients who were forcibly treated with murderous protocols against their and their families’ will. It does not sound like a pleasant way to die.
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Covid – State Sanctioned Mass Murder – Adam Piggott (pushingrubberdownhill.com)