Newsletter 10 March 2023
We have updated our MakeAustraliaHealthyAgain.org website to allow you to Claim your compensation and damages from the Australian Governments via our MAHA Australian Federal Court Class Action
All you need do is go to makeaustraliahealthyagain.org and press the ‘Login’ button at the top right hand of the home page
Enter your email and MAHA will send you an email which you need to respond to, to verify your email
Once you do this, you will be able to enter a password and all your details and categories of suffering, loss and damage you have endured through the actions of the Australian Governments during this false Covid Pandemic and any loss or damage that you have suffered as a consequence of having to take the ensuing enforced experimental gene therapy poisonous ‘Covid’ injection which they have falsely called a ‘Safe and Effective’ ‘Covid’ vaccination
In your detailed description, please categorise your suffering, loss and damage as described on our website
Our website has multiple security safeguards stopping any attempt at illegal access to any of your data
Keep your password in a secure place and don’t share it if possible
Your data will be presented to the Australian Federal Court during the MAHA Class Action proceedings
Solihin Millin, the Plaintiff, accepts all Liability. You will not be under any Liability
When we Win the MAHA Class Action your data will be used to quantify your damages and compensation that you will receive from the Australian Governments
MAHA request that you consider donating 10% of you compensation received to our MAHA Humanitarian Not for Profit Charitable Trust for Charitable use
This MAHA Class Action automatically will cover compensation for all 26,333,119 Australians
MAHA have completed our Expert Witness database and are now using it to contact all potential Expert Witnesses and collate Expert Witness data for our MAHA Class Action
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